Roseaire Workshops
Roseaire Conference Center located at Delray Beach, FL hosts spiritual retreats and workshops for either men or women. The activities are tailored to adults, young professionals, college students, high school students and middle school students.
Workshops for Cooperators
Like a retreat...
Like the annual retreats, the workshop for Cooperators provides a much-needed opportunity for spiritual renewal. It enables us to stop, step back, get perspective, pray, begin again.
Like the annual retreats, the workshop for Cooperators includes traditional practices of Catholic piety: meditation and Holy Mass each day, Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament, family prayer of the holy rosary, and examination of conscience in the evening.
The workshop includes a few practical talks that help us to consider how we might better live our Christian vocation to holiness and apostolate in the middle of the world.
Unlike a retreat…
Unlike a retreat, the workshop for Cooperators is sociable rather than silent (except for a morning of recollection on Sunday). It provides a welcome opportunity to get to know the other men who attend: people with many different backgrounds who share a common desire to live the spirituality of Opus Dei well.
A major component of the workshop for Cooperators is serious, focused instruction in Catholic doctrine. This year, the topic for the course is a review of the Philosophy of Man.
On Friday and Saturday afternoons, the workshop schedule provides unstructured time for reading, study, exercise, taking a walk, talking with other participants, etc. Participants are asked to try, as much as possible, to avoid using workshop time for their regular professional work.